Gray cast iron or ductile iron, which is better?

Gray cast iron and ductile iron are both casting parts processing materials, are heavily used in the production of casting parts, but also the current market is the most widely used two casting materials. Many people for gray iron and ductile iron are very strange, that when these two casting materials together, and what will happen to the spark?


According to the morphology of graphite, cast iron is divided into:

  1. Grey cast iron:Graphite is flaky
  2. Ductile cast iron:Graphite is spherical
  3. Malleable cast iron:Graphite is flocculent
  4. Vermicular graphite cast iron: Graphite is worm like


Grey Cast Iron: refers to cast iron with flaky graphite, which is called grey cast iron because of the dark grey colour of the fracture when it breaks.

Gray cast iron castings are mainly used in machine tools as a vibration damping material, in brake discs as a wear-resistant material, and in castings of general strength that are less expensive to produce. Compared to ductile iron, gray cast iron has a higher tensile capacity and a stronger ability to eliminate vibration.


Ductile Iron:The mechanical properties of ductile iron are better than grey cast iron, similar to steel, can be used instead of cast steel and forged steel to manufacture a variety of larger loads, more complex forces and wear parts.

Compared to gray cast iron there is a lot of spherical open space, so ductile iron is more corrosion resistant and malleable, and its performance is close to that of steel.

Ductile iron parts have many applications, generators, gears, ductile iron manhole covers and other casting parts can be completed by ductile iron.


Grey Cast Iron

Ductile Iron






Some plasticity


High brittleness (excellent machinability)

Good toughness

Heat treatment

After heat treatment, there is no significant increase in mechanical properties, and the hardness and surface wear resistance can be improved.

Enhanced properties through heat treatment.

Apply to

The strength requirement is not high, mainly bear the pressure of all kinds of box, base

Workpieces with high toughness requirements and complex shapes, e.g. crankshafts, connecting rods