How to clean up in the foundry?

In the casting, production safety can not be relaxed for a moment! And foundry production safety measures should not be ignored. As a foundry cleanup department, in the production of what safety matters need to be borne in mind? Foundry manufacturers need to be prepared for what?

  • Before dropping sand to clean up the castings, it should be checked whether the tools used are firmly installed, there is no rupture, defective phenomenon, if any of the above phenomena, must be repaired or replaced.
  • When cleaning the castings by dropping sand, the castings should be placed in a smooth manner; no matter whether the castings are cleaned by hand tools or by using electric or wind tools, it is forbidden to operate towards anyone else; when lifting or turning the castings with a traveling crane, it is not permissible to hang the iron casting's pouring risers; when the castings are turned over with a crowbar, it is not permissible to insert the crowbar into the holes in the casting, so as to prevent it from slipping off and turning back.
  • When using wind and electric tools, it is strictly prohibited to use any part of the human body to support the moving parts or connection parts. The power source supply part, must be firmly connected, no leakage; operating valves, switches should be sensitive and reliable.
  • Qualified casting products, can also be used in the sand box should be placed neatly, under the big on the small, its height should not exceed 1.5m, waste products, broken sand box shall not be mixed with it, to avoid misuse.


In short, after the production of foundry cleaning is a detailed and important work, it is directly related to product quality and production efficiency. Only do a good job of cleaning up the preparatory work, in order to ensure the smooth progress of cleaning and achieve good results!