Pickling process for precision castings

The surface of untreated precision castings has more pores, and it will be difficult to treat them after the chemical reaction with moisture, oxygen and other substances in the air to form complex compounds. Therefore, precision castings should be treated by mechanized methods such as polishing, grinding and sandblasting before pickling. If it is still difficult to remove those complex chemical compounds, it is necessary to use water to clean the surface of the casting, which not only removes the dust and other substances on the surface of the casting, but also fills up the pores on the surface of the casting to facilitate the cleaning of the subsequent chemical treatment.

The pickling process of casting parts usually includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning: clean the surface of the casting parts of oil, impurities, etc., so as not to affect the effect of subsequent treatment.
  2. Pickling:  The casting parts are immersed in the acid solution, the time is generally 3-10 minutes. The temperature of the pickling solution is controlled between 20-60 ℃.
  3. Clean water washing: take out the casting from the acid, immediately after the water rinse, the casting surface of the acid and impurities clean. At the same time, we should control the flow rate and pressure of the water to avoid damage to the surface of the casting.
  4. Drying: the casting parts for drying treatment, with clean blowers, ovens and other equipment for drying, time is generally 10-30 minutes, temperature control between 50-80 ℃.


Casting parts pickling process precautions:

  1. The preparation of the pickling solution should be accurate, and it should be prepared accurately according to the formula of the pickling solution used. At the same time, the quality of the acid solution should be strictly controlled, and no expired or deteriorated acid solution should be used.
  2. The temperature of the pickling solution should be controlled between 20-60℃, not too high or too low.
  3. The concentration of the acid solution should be moderate, not too strong or too weak.
  4. Wear protective gloves, masks, goggles and other protective equipment during operation to avoid injury to the operator.

The above is a detailed introduction to the pickling process of casting parts. For the pickling process of casting parts, it is necessary to pay attention to the above points in order to ensure the effect and safety of pickling. At the same time, in the actual operation, but also master the concentration of pickling solution, temperature and time and other key parameters to ensure the stability and consistency of the pickling effect.