What are the advantages of laser cutting?

Laser cutting, as a new advanced material cutting process, has become more and more popular in the field of application. Laser cutting using a laser beam irradiation workpiece surface, through the conversion between electro-optical thermal energy, the beam irradiation at the temperature rises rapidly, the material melting, gasification after the formation of holes, with the movement of the beam, the holes connected to gradually form lines.

Laser cutting has an unusual thermal processing advantages, in general, is the cutting speed and cutting quality and other characteristics, the following a detailed understanding of it.

1、Good cutting quality

Laser spot is small, high energy density, can get better cutting quality. Laser cutting slit is narrow, cutting the upper and lower sections of the cutting accuracy error is small, the section is beautiful and neat, the roughness can be accurate to the micron level, laser cutting thermal action area is small, the material is basically not affected by the special deformation, laser cutting materials can be used directly without grinding and polishing and other processes.

2、High cutting speed

Laser cutting scalability is high, the work of the equipment is completed through programming, the equipment can be matched with automated loading and unloading facilities, the whole process without human intervention, a laser cutting machine efficiency is much higher than the traditional cutting equipment. Laser cutting without fixtures and fittings, eliminating the need to change fixtures and fittings for cutting some mold materials. The cutting work of the equipment can be carried out continuously for a long time, equipped with water-cooling device can keep the equipment at a normal temperature at all times.


3、Non-contact cutting

Laser cutting without contact with the workpiece, no saw blade and other mold loss, processing a variety of different workpieces, do not need to change the fixture, adjust the cutting parameters. The entire equipment operation without physical contact, the corresponding noise will be very small, cutting residue for the dust particles, easy to clean up, small pollution to the environment.


Although laser cutting has the advantages that traditional equipment does not have, but also has certain disadvantages.Laser cutting machine due to the impact of laser power, laser cutting is mainly for medium and thin plate cutting process. At present, high-power laser equipment is expensive, large one-time investment, applicable to a small range of people.

At present, laser cutting has been widely used in a variety of industrial fields, such as aerospace, ships and automobiles, bridges and tunnels, sheet metal processing, daily household and other types of industries, laser cutting technology for a wide range of material surfaces, such as titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, nickel alloys, chrome alloys, stainless steel, beryllium oxide, composites and so on.


In short, laser cutting as a modern manufacturing industry in the important process technology, and constantly through technological innovation and application expansion, for all kinds of material processing provides a highly efficient, accurate and flexible solutions, become one of the important pillars of high-end manufacturing processing.